Let me talk about the basic setup.
- Each test run requires two machines to run the actual tests.
- Each machine has an agent called Negatus on it.
- Large pool of these machines to run tests from.
- Those machines are controlled by a controlling agent called steeplechase. This runs on another machine.
- There needs to be a TURN server on some machine.
- There may need to be more VMs created to provide networking gateways/routing to simulate network conditions.
- There needs to be some kind of scheduler to run the tests. We are going to use Jenkins (http://jenkins-ci.org/). It's easy, and we should not run into its limitations.
At this point, I should point out that this is a large number of VMs for one desktop machine to host on VMWare Fusion. I may have to host some of them on a second machine.
Yesterday I built a Ubuntu 14.10 Desktop VM in VMWare Fusion. I use Desktop because I like having X-Windows. Everything else is easy to install. The initial specs:
- 4 cores
- 8192 RAM
- 100 GB RAM
I then ran all of the software updates. And installed VMWare Tools. Which you need for the clock to work and to be able to copy-paste into apps.
It used to be that you had to install Java, which on Linux can be a pain, and setup your own script to run Jenkins, and setup your own startup script, etc. In the last couple of years, somebody smart made Jenkins an installable Debian package; details here: http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian/. If you are having trouble figuring out how to change /etc/apt/sources.list, see this page for info: http://askubuntu.com/questions/197564/how-do-i-add-a-line-to-my-etc-apt-sources-list.
At this point, Jenkins is running (see http://localhost:8080) to verify.
Tomorrow: Setting up signalingserver, steeplechase, negatus...
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