Monday, June 23, 2014

What we have done so far

So, before I start blogging-as-I-go, I should explain what we have been doing so far.

We set up some machines in a lab that we have designated our Sunny Day environment. This is designed to test WebRTC with nightly Firefox builds on Linux with real audio and video hardware connected.

Our setup consists of the following:
  • One linux machine running our test harnesses, server.js (run with node), and steeplechase. server.js is a signalling server, and steeplechase manages commands to remote clients, in this case the other machines in the fleet. This machine also runs TURN, which keeps track of the public IP addresses of the clients, which is necessary when the clients are behind a firewall/NAT.
  • Two linux machines, each running our test agent, called Negatus. steelplechase sends files and commands to Negatus, and Negatus launches Firefox and runs Firefox test commands. These machines each have an mp3 player and a video camera (trained on a clock in the lab).
We run a series of tests connecting the two clients and sending 3 hours of video and audio back and forth. When the system is finished, it will report results into Mozilla's new result reporting mechanism, treeherder, where interesting engineers can see the results of the tests on the web.

Sunny Day provides a level of security in that we know that if the tests pass, our nightly Firefox can establish WebRTC sessions on a real network with real video/audio streaming, and is a great first step.

The next entry in this blog will talk about what we are doing next.

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